Haha! I'm at work at the moment, quite obviously not working. Let's call it my 3.15 lunch break. Thought I would put up a post as it's been about 6 weeks. Really, I think I post irregularly because I'm not sure anyone is reading. So if you do have a peruse, drop me a comment, it will make me feel special :) ...not that I can't enjoy blogging regardless of who is or isn't reading.
Anyhow. Let's look at some progress pics.
Kitten reflections is nearly finished. I've put up two photos as the more recent one (first pic) is pretty cruddy quality:

I have really enjoyed working on this one. Dimensions do such nice designs. All that is to go is the cross-stitching and back stitch in the top right corner (bringing the second smitten to life :) and then a shed-load of french knots making up little flowers in the bluey-green bushes. Oh how I love french knots (shame sarcasm doesn't come accross in written text).
I have also been working on another piece, Happy Cats (has anyone noticed that I like cats a bit?) This piece is fantastic, all simple shapes and bold colours. There is a progress pic below, as well as my initial floss toss, with a shot of the expected finished outcome.

I've actually made a fair bit more progress than this as well, I just don't have a shot of it to post. No wait, I do have a shot of a more recent Happy Cats! Unfortunately it's obstructed by my unhappy cat.
CAPTION: "Where's my dinner, b%^&$!?"
Lastly, a little mother's day card I knocked up a week before the day. This is from one of the more recent issues of CrossStitcher. I changed a few of the colours around so that it wasn't so pastelly, then stuck it to a bit of manilla folder to make the card! I really like this piece, but it hasn't reached my mum yet. She's currently holidaying in Europe and hasn't received it more than a week later :( Here's hoping it shows.

In other news. Within two weeks I plan to hand my thesis in! I know, I know. "We've heard it all before" they say. Well, I think it's actually very close. Then I'll have a month of working a 2-day week and chilling out before I go overseas. I was thinking I might make some goals for my month off:
1) finish all uni-related paperwork (forms, case summaries etc)
2) finish Kitten Reflections
3) start a new cross stitch project (maybe a Mira)
4) continue working on Happy Cats :)
5) read novels (averaging 1 per week)
6) start swimming
7) plan my overseas trip
8) learn a few necessary words of the languages for the countries I'll be visiting (France, Netherlands, Italy...hopefully I should be right for the U.S. and England).
Can't think of anything else at the moment. I'm excited about the prospect of having time to myself!!
Thanks for reading, and sorry for rambling :)