Friday, June 12, 2009

New post, now with photos

Photos, as promised yesterday.

Kitten Reflections, the finished product
I'm very happy with the outcome. There's lots of french knots around the bushed on the right. I am now very good at french knots.
Below is Happy cats. Looks a lot nicer with the detail. This is moving very slowly as I have gotten tied up in a new project (See below).
Ashley's Roses. I've been wanting to do another Mirabilia for ages! Below is approximately one week of work.
Then about two weeks. This is all skirt and a bit of bouquet. The greys are a bit tedious, but alternating with some of the colours is working well for me. I will gladly work on this for as long as possible before I go away :)

Thanks for reading :)


Angela said...

Your finished piece looks great! And you've made great progress on your other projects. Hope you are enjoying your month of leisure :)

fiefoe said...

Hi, I stumbled upon your blog because I just started working on the same piece, and I wanted to show my friend what it looks like. I enjoyed your posts and all your finished pieces very much!

Anonymous said...

and whose design is Happy Cats?