Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Arc takes shape and 'Running'

Another week.

My weeks are currently defined by how much work I get done on my cross stitch projects.

Remembrance of Paris is coming along well. My parents have obviously been out of the house a fair bit whilst I've been at home, because I have managed to get almost another half of he Arc de Triomphe completed. This is probably about 1/3 of the way through, perhaps a bit more. Here's hoping I'm able to get it done by christmas. I've been going for about 5 weeks.

Now, the Stroke of Midnight is also continuing. It usually doesn't look like I've done a lot on this one, but my progress the past few months has been very good considering how slow it's been up until now. I am feeling motivated to finish her off. Honestly, my enjoyment of this project has not been huge. It's a bit too complicated...in the future I am likely to go with things that don't have quite so much shading and constant changing of colours. Anyway...here she is:

The end is in sight! :)

My other project is Koi fish, from the book "A Cross Stitcher's Oriental Odyssey". This is one that I do when I'm in my room (really it should be called "I refuse to study!") I am absolutely loving this one...I think because it's nice and simple, and the colours are so vibrant! Plus it's a little project so it will be finished quickly (mind you this is about 3 weeks of work as it is).

In other news:

I am running the half marathon this Sunday!! 21km of unadulterated joy and knee-pain. I am looking forward to it, but I'm also a little nervous (not 100% sure why nervous, I've already run 19km, so it's not much extra on top of that). It should be a good day (I do believe I will have a drink afterwards...but only one because that's all I'll need after a big run).

I will post up on how it went next week.

Have an excellent week to those who are reading (and hell, I'm in a good mood, why not to those who aren't as well).

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